Kubernetes Cluster Setup with KubeKey

In this HowTo I will create a 3-node Kubernetes cluster where all nodes hold all Kubernetes roles (controlplane, worker and etcd). As Linux distribution I used Fedora 38 Server edition. I created three VMs with about 8GB memory and an extra 50+GB /data partition for later usage. I call my VMs in this HowTo vkube-1... » weiterlesen

Grafana – Workaround for Templated Dashboard/Panel Playlists

As there still is no option to create a proper dashboard/panel playlist for templated dashboards (see this issue "Support for playlist with templating variables" starting 2014(!)) I searched for quite a bit and found a nice HTML/JavaScript page that could do that. But unfortunately, as browsers make someone’s life harder and harder, basic-auth credentials do... » weiterlesen

CheckMK v2 – Coding own SNMP-Check Plugin

No word about CheckMK’s supplied documentation :expressionless: In this example we add some features for the included SNMP-check kemp_loadmaster_services. For whatever reason, the included check only has hardcoded thresholds, and only takes "Active Connections" into account. Besides it is not yet migrated to CMK v2.0 which we will do in this course. Plugin Structure SNMP-plugins... » weiterlesen

CheckMK v2 – Coding own Active-Check Plugin

Again CheckMK thought it’s awesome to change everything with v2.3, rename all kinds of functions etc., say somehow normal active-checks are now deprecated and still have no real documentation available – I really cannot stand why they make such mystery around their stuff. This is what I found out so far – for the "Check-File"... » weiterlesen

My VM New Homelab

This HowTo is mainly meant as documentation if I have to resetup my lab 🙂 Hardware Ryzen 7 4750G 64GB RAM Network Interface card with 4 ports 1TB NVME M2 disk Prerequisites Internet Connection (in this case via my pfSense VM running on old lab) Backup of pfSense config Setup After doing a minimal Fedora... » weiterlesen

Grafana – Using A JSON Source For Tagging And Grouping

We are using for example Graphite, Prometheus and Elasticsearch for monitoring the systems and saving metrics in the company where I’m currently working at and unfortunately for example the data in the different sources is saved with different formatted hostnames etc., also there is currently no real nice way to tag or group different hosts... » weiterlesen

Check MK – Write your own active check

Deprecated: this howto works for CheckMK v1.x – For CheckMK v2 you can find a howto here Download mkp-File: check_rtmp-0.2.zip Active Check Script should return the few different states – 0, 1, 2, 3 for OK, WARN, CRIT, UNKOWN must be placed in ~/local/lib/nagios/plugins The Check_MK Plugin like always must be placed in ~/local/share/check_mk/checks and... » weiterlesen

Check MK – Write your own check

This HowTo works up to CheckMK v1.6 — A HowTo for creating a simple agent-plugin for v2.0 is available. Download mkp-File: redis-info-mkp Many thanks to Robert Sander, he was so kind to create a github-repo at https://github.com/HeinleinSupport/check_mk/tree/master/redis_info – it will be updated by him the sooner or later. 2016-12-06 – Updated this How To: If... » weiterlesen