Kubernetes Cluster Setup with KubeKey

In this HowTo I will create a 3-node Kubernetes cluster where all nodes hold all Kubernetes roles (controlplane, worker and etcd). As Linux distribution I used Fedora 38 Server edition. I created three VMs with about 8GB memory and an extra 50+GB /data partition for later usage. I call my VMs in this HowTo vkube-1... » weiterlesen

Grafana – Workaround for Templated Dashboard/Panel Playlists

As there still is no option to create a proper dashboard/panel playlist for templated dashboards (see this issue "Support for playlist with templating variables" starting 2014(!)) I searched for quite a bit and found a nice HTML/JavaScript page that could do that. But unfortunately, as browsers make someone’s life harder and harder, basic-auth credentials do... » weiterlesen

CheckMK v2 – Coding own SNMP-Check Plugin

No word about CheckMK’s supplied documentation :expressionless: In this example we add some features for the included SNMP-check kemp_loadmaster_services. For whatever reason, the included check only has hardcoded thresholds, and only takes "Active Connections" into account. Besides it is not yet migrated to CMK v2.0 which we will do in this course. Plugin Structure SNMP-plugins... » weiterlesen

CheckMK v2 – Coding own Active-Check Plugin

Again documentation seems to be none-existent. So a lot of selfstudy by looking at existing checks and their files is needed. Also it seems active-checks cannot be fully migrated yet, as you will notice in the "Check-File" (there is no register.??? yet and we still have to use active_check_info) In this example we use some... » weiterlesen

Renaming pfSense Interfaces

Only recommended for a fresh setup. I do not take any responsibility if you brick your config. Always make sure you have a recent backup of your config before tinkering with the config-file! If you are using for example pfELK for analysing your logs from your pfSense firewall, you may want to rename your interfaces... » weiterlesen

Elasticsearch As Log-Buffer

Why? What is that good for? Save license-costs and putting ingest-pipeline load somewhere else! :smiley: At my workplace we currently parse the events mostly with Logstash, but configuring those grok-filters so that the messages are ECS-comform is a lot of work. Yes, I know that there is a possibility to export those ingest-pipelines from Beats... » weiterlesen

Setup 3 Node Kubernetes 1.20 HA-Cluster (Without Docker) on Fedora 33

Master nodes will be worker nodes too (resources you know :wink:) We will use Keepalived and HAproxy as load-balancer for Kubernetes control-traffic. The whole Kubernetes-Cluster won’t use Docker anymore. Prerequisites Three machines setup with minimal installation of Fedora 33 Server. I will call them vkube-001 ( vkube-002 ( vkube-003 ( One VIP ( which we... » weiterlesen

Check_MK – pfSense State Table Check (SNMP)

I needed a quick and dirty check for the pfSense’s "State Table" via SNMP as I sometimes have the strange problem that it gets full and then I lose internet-connection. If the thresholds are hit and I am alerted, I hope I have time to investigate what is going wrong. The Check The default values... » weiterlesen

PART-6 – Logstash

PART-6 – Logstash Logstash is nice for analyzing the events. Prepare Logstash We will create two different Logstash deployments, so we can scale them up or down individually. One deployment will be for the incoming events, which will simple be forwarded into the RabbitMQ without much groking or so. The second deployment will be mainly... » weiterlesen